Why do I detox?

I was asked the above question after posting about my upcoming program – A Sensational YOU Summer Detox Program on facebook.  It’s been a thrill and an honor for me to be promoting my first detox. I’ve wanted to do this for so long, yet I held myself back (for lots of different reasons – […]

To Resolve or Not To Resolve in 2013

Do you make new year’s resolutions? If so, you are not alone. According to Dr. John Norcross, a clinical psychologist, about 40% of adults make resolutions. The success rates were as follows:  71 percent for two weeks, 64 percent for one month, and 46 percent for six months. Dr. Norcross has been studying behavior relating […]

The Sandy 5…and what you can do about it

This morning I heard on the news that the latest buzzword is the “Sandy 5.” Remember the “Freshmen 15” – the weight gained by college students during their first year? Now it’s the five (or more) pounds New Yorkers gained during and after Hurricane Sandy. Think about it: anxiety, stress, desperation, boredom. Yes, indeed, food […]


Thank you for your support. I appreciate you and wish you a beautiful life to live in the present moment with good health and happiness. Take a moment to acknowledge the wonderful things in your life. Here’s a gratitude exercise to write on Thanksgiving: Make a list of five things for which you are grateful […]


Now, I get the shakes when I see Peeps in the stores. Years ago, I couldn’t wait for spring when they’d be out on the shelves before Easter (now they’re available almost all year!). And, if Easter was too close to Passover, I’d buy the Peeps and wait until it was “OK” to eat them. […]

Minted Carrots with Pumpkin Seeds

Serves 6 Prep and Cook Time: 15 minutes Ingredients: 6 medium-sized carrots peeled and cut in turned pieces 1/2 TBS fresh chopped parsley 1 TBS fresh chopped mint 1 TBS coarsely chopped pumpkin seeds 2 TBS lemon juice extra virgin olive oil to taste salt and cracked black pepper to taste Directions: Bring lightly salted […]

6 Herbs To Help You Use Less (or no) Salt

Salt is in just about everything you eat. This is particularly true if you eat out often. Too much sodium causes heart and renal disease. It can also cause cancer and a variety of other health problems. The key to cutting sodium is to get savvy with your cooking. Herbs can help. Herbs add a […]

Celebrate Healthy Weight Week

January 16-22 is a significant week in history.  It is the 18th annual celebration of Healthy Weight Week.  No, we are not celebrating only those who are at a healthy weight. We are also celebrating the fact that everyone can make healthy choices in their diet and live their lives as healthy human beings. Does […]

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