Essential Oils
Wondering what’s the deal about with Essential Oils?
Yes, you’ve been hearing about them all over the internet but you may not hear about them from your doctor. Essential oils are not a new fad. Plant based medicine has been around as long as man has and essential oils are amazing for supporting our body’s natural ability to heal itself.
What are Essential Oils?
Essential oils are extracted directly from the bark, flower, fruit, leaf, seed or root of a plant or tree and just one drop can have powerful health benefits. They address the problem by working at a cellular level rather than masking symptoms. Essential oils are in fact nutrients that our body recognizes. They come from plants unlike synthetic medications made in a lab.
How would I use an Essential Oil?
You may be surprised to learn how versatile essential oils are. I have natural solutions in my home for quick relief which saves me time and a ton of money. I even use them to make my own cleaning products to reduce my family’s exposure to toxic chemicals. With proper use and dilution they are even safe on babies and children. I use them in cooking, for my health care needs, and cleaning my home.
How do I know which Essential Oil to use?
Not all essential oils are pure and natural. There is no federal regulation on the purity and potency of essential oils. Because I want to only use the most pure oils for myself and my family I use therapeutic grade oils that I trust to be tested by a 3rd party for purity as well as potency.
Want to know more?
Simply enter your name and email below and I can send you more information on how you can incorporate these oils into a wellness lifestyle.