Raise a Carrot to Good Health and Abundance

  Most people think of carrots as an orange root vegetable that’s good for dipping in hummus and guacamole, not to mention great for sweetening fresh vegetable juice. They’re actually so much more than that. Prior to the 15th– or 16th-century, purple, yellow and red were the only color carrots that were cultivated for consumption […]

Why do I detox?

I was asked the above question after posting about my upcoming program – A Sensational YOU Summer Detox Program on facebook.  It’s been a thrill and an honor for me to be promoting my first detox. I’ve wanted to do this for so long, yet I held myself back (for lots of different reasons – […]

To Resolve or Not To Resolve in 2013

Do you make new year’s resolutions? If so, you are not alone. According to Dr. John Norcross, a clinical psychologist, about 40% of adults make resolutions. The success rates were as follows:  71 percent for two weeks, 64 percent for one month, and 46 percent for six months. Dr. Norcross has been studying behavior relating […]

To Bee or Not To Bee

While watching “Live with Kelly” this week I learned a valuable business and life lesson. Show host Kelly Ripa and her co-host for the day, Bryant Gumbel, welcomed Snigdha Nandipati, the 2012 Scripps National Spelling Bee Champion. At 14 years old, she took the prize over a total of 278 contestants, including a six-year-old. Of […]

Liver Lovin’

When was the last time you woke up and thought “How’s my liver today?” Probably not recently….or ever. Out of sight, out of mind, right? Before we relegate the liver to after-thought status, let’s take a look at how this incredible organ keeps us looking and feeling our best. Located just below the diaphragm, primarily in the […]

Did you take your statin today?

Heart disease is the leading killer of men and women in the United States. By 2020 heart disease and stroke will become the leading cause of both death and disability worldwide, according to the World Health Organization. While most people think of heart disease as synonymous with heart attacks, there are many more ailments and conditions […]

Are you sabotaging your career goals?

Imagine if you were trying to lose weight and someone stood directly in front of you with a piece of chocolate cake. Or, think about how you would feel if you were getting ready for a presentation and a colleague ignored your request to leave your office so you could collect your thoughts? Do your […]

Please don’t do this

I don’t think I was ever good at New Year’s resolutions. As far back as I can remember, I made promises to myself that I couldn’t keep. “In the new year, I promise to go to the gym every day.” “I promise this is my last cookie – in the new year I’m not going […]

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