Slow and Steady Wins The Race

In my last post I felt like Humpty Dumpty. Since then I’ve felt like a turtle. A VERY slow moving turtle.

turtle I’ve been going to physical therapy three times a week. It is SO hard. It is an incredible reminder of how amazing the human body really is, and how important it is to take care of our precious selves. The first several appointments were more about the therapist doing a lot of work, really digging deep to move around the muscles in my leg. Now, whoa, it is about me doing the work! Exercise after exercise I am feeling different parts of my leg AND lots of pain.

One aspect of the PT that has made a big difference is the fact that I’m doing my “homework.” I am really taking the time at home to do the exercises my therapist wants me to do. At my first appointment, the range of motion in my left knee was 18 degrees. Today, it was 60 degrees!

It goes back to having a plan. I have set aside the time in my calendar to do my exercises. In a way that sounds kind of funny, because my calendar is still pretty scarce. I have my client calls and work schedule, but I’m not out-and-about meeting people like I usually am. Part of me is looking forward to getting back to my “normal” routine. And part of me is savoring this time that I have to myself.

Another part of my plan, in addition to making my calendar my BFF, is having sub-calendars; calendars for each aspect of my de-cluttering. Breaking down the areas of my apartment that need cleaning/de-cluttering and assigning different weeks in which to get the work done has been liberating. Usually, once I start I want it all done right away. I do a “half-fast” job and move on. But not this time.

This time I’ve accepted the fact that this process is going to take a while. And, I’ve realized there’s the visible clutter and the “invisible” clutter – the papers I don’t see every day because they are in the file cabinets. Ha! These papers must be gone through as well. It’s not a case of out-of-sight-out-of-mind. Each drawer has been assigned a week in January.

I’m focusing on the “visible” clutter through the end of 2014. I want my vision in my apartment to be clear by the end of this year. But I’m not kidding myself into thinking EVERYTHING will be done in the next eight weeks. If I get farther along than I plan by December 31, that would be awesome. If not, that’s OK. I’m doing this right.

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