We open the book. Its pages are blank. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day ~ Edith Pierce
My good friend, Pat Mussieux of Steps2Happiness, posted this quote on facebook earlier today (her friend Barry Dunlop originally posted it). I read the quote and got chills. The word Opportunity jumped out at me, and then the metaphor of a book with blank pages on New Year’s Day was a powerful visual for me. I understand there are things we cannot control in life, but what we can control, why not make them the best we can?
A blank page does indeed offer opportunity for us to visualize our goals and then write them down. And, the book is customizable for each and every one of us, so we can write our own stories. What do you want your life to look like? What do you want to accomplish this year? This month? Today? Tomorrow? This is your story. This is your opportunity to create a vision for yourself.
Last year I made the decision to take great strides in my business. I knew what I wanted, but I wasn’t exactly sure how to get there. I read books, attended conferences and surrounded myself with people whom I knew could get me to where I wanted to be. And, I hired a business coach because I knew the support would help me accomplish my goals faster and more efficiently than on my own. All in all, my book of 2009 was great. Now, I’m prepared to make 2010 even better.
Here’s to your book of 2010. May it be filled with dreams and goals that make you happy from one day to the next.