Your Body, Your Business

How do you feel in the morning when you get dressed to go to work? Do you look in the mirror and smile, or do you avoid the mirror and thus avoid seeing what you don’t like about your body? If the latter describes you, think about how that negativity is affecting your career. Can you really be your best if you don’t walk into your office with confidence and high self-esteem?

Several years ago, when I was struggling with an extra 15 pounds, I set aside a few pair of pants and some skirts that I knew I would wear to work, and moved some of my favorite “skinny” clothes to the back of the closet. I didn’t realize it at the time, but doing this was actually setting me up for failure. If I looked in the mirror before leaving my apartment, my clothes said “fat” to me and I felt awful. If I didn’t look in the mirror, I’d walk into my office with anxiety thinking that people were looking at me and noticing how “bad” I looked; concentrating on work took extra effort.

Have you been holding yourself back from career growth because you don’t feel confident?

Do you feel your appearance does not reflect the image you want people to have of you?

I transformed my life by getting in touch with how I was holding myself back from success. Since my breakthroughs, I have started two successful companies.

Do you want the tools, support and mindset secrets to live your best life ever? I’ve partnered with a great friend and colleague, Loren Fogelman to empower other high-achieving professionals to finally get out of their own way and achieve the success of their dreams. Loren is a success expert and founder of Mindset for Marketing Success and has helped thousands of clients reach their goals.

Loren and I created a Special Topic Call Series, Your Body, Your Business. We’ve scheduled a FREE preview call on Thursday, May 13 at 5pmPST/8pmEST.

Clear your obstacles to success, gain self-confidence, increase your self-esteem and be empowered to live your best life NOW.

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